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Every day we make decisions. At the same time, we are sure that when choosing a dish from the menu or toothpaste in the supermarket, we fully rely on logic and common sense. The logic affects most decisions very slightly.

The basis of each choice is a complex system of autonomous emotions, desires, and rewards. From a marketing perspective, this fact provides an excellent opportunity to create feelings of desire and need around a product. But you cannot understand the basics of motivating people, relying only on historical data. 

To create the desired product, you need to use the psychology of users – a method of studying the causes and methods of decision making. With this knowledge, you can create a content marketing strategy that will fully satisfy the needs of users, and will not leave them any chance to resist your product.

Why user psychology matters.User psychology studies subconscious triggers – feelings that are associated with a product, service, and experience. They affect consumers at every stage of the journey. Understanding these triggers will help you go beyond basic marketing and teach you how to effectively influence people. In this case, the psychological influence will in no way be associated with the characteristics of the product, price, or value proposition.

User psychology is designed to answer the following questions:

What desires affect a customer who is considering making a purchase?

At what stage of his journey does the client begin to feel insecure and leave the site? What caused this feeling?

What feelings do consumers associate with a brand, how can they be strengthened or changed?

The main difference between psychological marketing and traditional marketing is the need to evaluate everything from the client.

ELMR system

Many successful marketers use the ELMR system in their work – emotions, logic, motivation, and reward. It was first proposed by Brian Balfour. Below we consider each of the components of this concept in more detail.


We will not be able to understand the emotions of customers without understanding their desires. If a person is happy, then one of his desires was satisfied. If a person is upset, we overlooked one of his desires.

When marketers create a message that satisfies a desire, consumers more often associate the product with joy and happiness. And that means they are more likely to make a purchase.


When a person has emotionally reacted to something, he seeks to rationalize the emerging emotions. Providing information about the product, its characteristics and benefits strengthen customer confidence in its decision.


To motivate a person, first, you need to understand what does not allow him to perform the desired action. How significant are these barriers? How can they be reduced? Removing barriers will help strengthen a sense of need and motivate users to take action.


The award is designed to create a sense of approval and confirmation of the decision. Internal rewards are associated with a product that offers benefits in the form of time, money, or knowledge. External rewards engage personal desires and include social or professional accomplishments.

Application of ELMR in content marketing strategies.

The use of ELMR in a strategy will help create more effective content that affects user triggers. And he, in turn, will increase the number of subscriptions, involvement in social networks, and conversion rates.


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