Customer Relationship System
CRM implementation is a holistic and complex concept, which means that everything that happens around the business processes changes. Our solution helps to streamline the user experience and solve customers’ existing problems.

01 Problem
The system’s concept was an online platform that had to provide clients to create tickets for occurring problems or directly chat with the Client’s representative. That helped to make the communication process much more convenient. It was vital to adjust CRM solutions to the needs and capabilities of the client.
02 Approach
Through implemented analytical CRM company can improve the relationship with customers, achieve larger information sharing between employees and accept better strategic decisions. An important activity of the project manager was to monitor the changes that happened in practice.
03 Solution
The system required the following steps before being implemented: planning (the automation had to be worthwhile), development (services combined all the tools for working with the client), testing (to exclude any bugs), roll-out (together with the client, we created stages, defined future fields and prescribe a scheme for the client's movement through the funnel), maintenance & enhancement. CRM implementation was monitored for a couple of months to make sure everything goes well.
UI Design

CRM was developed for better informing, improvement of relations with customers and faster operations. The basic goal of creating CRM was achieved, namely to contribute to larger success in the organizations when implementing our solution.