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Software Maintenance

The project personnel we interviewed were keen on expressing their concerns because in responding to our questions they saw an opportunity to initiate improvement in their working environment. Software maintenance and support services for the social network brought profit to the client.

Bugzilla, SilkPerformer

01 Problem

Through software maintenance, we had to overcome such problems as the lack of communication between individuals working on similar projects, low status of maintenance personnel, and lack of a design-for-maintenance philosophy during the software development phase.

02 Approach

Our work included a wide spectrum of services such as email, live chat and phone support; preventive, predictive and corrective maintenance; testing; software migration and out-of-scope maintenance. During the work process, we found tool solutions that addressed the heterogeneous platforms' needs of the client’s company.

03 Solution

As a result, social networks became a great tool to raise business effectiveness. What is more, we kept solutions athletic to deal with developing technology and the business environment, and now software maintenance enhances the growth of the client’s project.

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